Do you need to go to ER or Urgent Care?
If your life is at risk then call 911 or go to the Emergency Room.Urgent Care handles non-life-threatening medical issues.
Below are conditions and guidance on when one should visit the ER vs. Urgent Care:
Urgent Care
Emergency Room
Allergic reactions (minor)
Allergies (seasonal)
Animal, insect, or spider bite (minor)
Asthma attack (minor)
Back pain or strains
Broken bone (bone not sticking out of skin)
Burn (small)
Common colds and coughing
COVID-19 PCR or rapid antigen testing
COVID-19 treatment for mild to moderate cases
Cuts / lacerations (minor) and stitches removal
Dehydration, not drinking and eating
Dental pain
Dizziness, weakness or loss of coordination or balance
Ear wax removal
Eye problems (pink eye, eye irritation, styes)
Flu (influenza)
Foreign object removal
Headaches and migraines
Head injury (without passing out)
Incision and drainage; abscess
(falls, sprains, minor concussions, fingernail/toenail, work-related)
Medication refills
Pregnancy test
Skin problems
(eczema/dry skin, poison ivy/poison oak, infections)
Sinus infections
Sore throat / Strep
Sprain or strain
Stomach pain (minor)
Urinary tract infection
Acute weakness or paralysis
Asthma attack (severe)
Heavy bleeding/amputations
Broken bone
(bone sticking out of skin)
Chest pain or severe chest pressure
Coughing or vomiting blood
Fainting or seizure
Fever unrelated to common cold/flu
(infants under 8 months old)
— sudden and severe; chronic migraines
Pregnancy-related complications
(pain, bleeding)
Severe abdominal/stomach pain
Severe shortness of breath/unable to swallow/anaphylaxis
Stroke or stroke-like symptoms
(FAST: face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty, time to call 911)
Sudden vision changes
Swallowed object
Thoughts of hurting yourself or others
Swallowed object